Sid Ngeth's Blog A blog about anything (but mostly development)

Drawing Graphics in Elm

I’m learning how to write games in Elm and there does not seem to be very many resources updated for Elm 0.18. The old Graphics module has been moved out of elm-lang/core and into evancz/elm-graphics which might cause some confusion/compilation errors when looking at older examples.

The elm-graphics package gives us modules that interface with HTML 5 Canvas API. So lets see how we can draw something basic to the browser. In my later posts we will continue to build upon this program.

Make sure you have the required packages installed in your project directory:

elm package install elm-lang/html
elm package install evancz/elm-graphics


We learned how to render a “canvas” on the screen by using Element.toHtml which takes an Element created by Collage.collage. While the Collage mainly deals with free form graphics, the Element and Text Modules can help you plug in various other types of graphics into your collage once converted into a form. I recommend checking out the elm-graphics documentation to see what other Forms you can create in your collages. So far, drawing graphics to the screen may seem somewhat tedious as it is in most other libraries. Elm’s architecture will start to shine in its simplicity in how updates and events are handled in your app.

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